MATLAB: Creating matrix w.r.t. rows number of another matrix

matrix manipulation

col_row=[1 2;1 4;1 8;1 11;2 4;2 8;2 11;3 10];
rows number in col_row are always ascending order. I need to store result_i matrix w.r.t. data and rows value of col_row matrix as follows.
rows number in col_row always starts with 1. I need to extract second column values of each repeated numbers (1-2) and single number in col_row matrix and create result_i matrix.
Above data is example, actual data matrix is bigger and the maximum row value of col_row matrix is variable. How can I write a code to store result_i matrix?

Best Answer

E.g., a method using a cell array
u = unique(col_row(:,1));
n = numel(u);
result = cell(max(u),1);
for k=1:n
result{u(k)} = data(col_row(col_row(:,1)==u(k),2));
This assumes that all of the "row" numbers are positive integers. If they are not, then one could do this instead
u = unique(col_row(:,1));
n = numel(u);
result = cell(n,1);
for k=1:n
result{k} = data(col_row(col_row(:,1)==u(k),2));