MATLAB: Split a matrix into separate matrices and find centroid of each smaller matrix

matrices matrix split centroid

I want to split a Nx2 matrix into k number of matrices, find the centroid of each matrix and then put the centroids into another matrix.
For example for A = 50×2 matrix and k = 10
The 10 smaller matrices will be 5×2 each.
The matrix containing the centroids of 10 matrices will be 10×2
[ Centroid of a Nx2 matix is a point equidistant from all points in the matrix when plotted. Each of the matrix rows are x&y axis values. For a collection of points x1,x2,x3,…..xn & y1,y2,y3,…..yn.
x' = (x1+x2+x3+……+xn) /n
y' = (y1+y2+y3+……+yn) /n ]
How to constuct this code?

Best Answer

A = rand(50,2) ;
k = 10 ;
[r,c] = size(A);
nlay = r/k ;
out = permute(reshape(A',[c,r/nlay,nlay]),[2,1,3]);
% Get mean
M = squeeze(mean(out))'
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