MATLAB: Sparse and gpuArray/sparse errors very odd! (with MWE)


Hi everyone!
When I run the following code, in sections, (MATLAB 2019b), I get the errors indicated in the comments, and it is extremely frustrating, because it is total non-sense!
Sadly, I think these errors are due to flaws in MATLAB.
If anyone experienced these before, and know some workarounds (still involving sparse however), then do please share.
I hope that staff can shed some light on this if noone else can.
sparse(412761000,1,gpuArray(1),6728535000,1) % As 6728535000 > 412761000 this should work
% Error using gpuArray/sparse

% Value out of range.

%% However works on CPU
[i,j,v] = find(sparse(412761000,1,1,6728535000,1)) %<--- on CPU
sparse(i,j,gpuArray(v),6728535000,1) % breaks on GPU again
% Error using gpuArray/sparse
% Value out of range.

% Error in Untitled2 (line 7)
% sparse(i,j,gpuArray(v),6728535000,1)
%% Made my computer go completely nuts and ran for 2 minutes (but succeeded in the end)! (on Quadro P1000 GPU)!:
[i,j,v] = find(sparse(412761000,1,(1),6728535000,1))
% It gave the following error (but not if it is run several times in a row):
% Operation terminated by user during
% parallel.internal.shared.buildDisplayHelper>iFirstNNumericDisplayHelper (line
% 60)
% In parallel.internal.shared.buildDisplayHelper>iBuildDisplayHelper (line 33)
% dh = iFirstNNumericDisplayHelper( ...
% In parallel.internal.shared.buildDisplayHelper (line 24)
% dh = iBuildDisplayHelper( x, transferDenseFcn, transferSparseFcn,
% xClassName, xName, N );
% In dispInternal (line 10)
% dh = parallel.internal.shared.buildDisplayHelper( ...
% In gpuArray/display (line 21)
% dh = dispInternal( obj, thisClassName, objName );
% else the error looks like this:
% Out of memory on device. To view more detail about available memory on the
% GPU, use 'gpuDevice()'. If the problem persists, reset the GPU by calling
% 'gpuDevice(1)'.
More strange stuff:
%% However the following does NOT work on CPU:
% Error using sparse

% Requested 1x6728535000 (50.1GB) array exceeds maximum array size preference.

% Creation of arrays greater than this limit may take a long time and cause MATLAB

% to become unresponsive. See array size limit or preference panel for more

% information.

% Error in Untitled2 (line 41)
% sparse(1,412761000,1,1,6728535000)
%% Also does not work with spalloc
S = spalloc(1,6728535000,0)
% Error using sparse
% Requested 1x6728535000 (50.1GB) array exceeds maximum array size preference.
% Creation of arrays greater than this limit may take a long time and cause MATLAB
% to become unresponsive. See array size limit or preference panel for more
% information.
% Error in spalloc (line 16)
% s = sparse([],[],[],m,n,nzmax);
% Error in Untitled2 (line 53)
% S = spalloc(1,6728535000,0)
%% Just for fun:
%% The following does work but the "all zero sparse" takes up 3.3 GB memory!!!!:
S = spalloc(1,412761000,0)
whos S
% S =
% All zero sparse: 1×412761000
% Name Size Bytes Class Attributes
% S 1x412761000 3302088024 double sparse
Let's make it even more strange!:
%% Both these work: (the subscripts match the indices used before!)
% ans =

% (275174,1500) 1

% ans =
% (275174,1500) 1
%% The following is also weird:
%% This does NOT work:
sparse([275174 275174],1500,gpuArray(1),4485690,1500) % <-- On GPU
% Error using gpuArray/sparse
% Vectors must be the same lengths.
% Error in WeirdSparseErrors (line 99)
% sparse([275174 275174],1500,gpuArray(1),4485690,1500)
%% But this does:
sparse([275174 275174],1500,1,4485690,1500) % <--- on CPU
%% However this also does (but is not always a possibility):
sparse([275174 275174],[1500 1500],gpuArray(1),4485690,1500)
Thanks in advance!

Best Answer

@Matt J has already provided some great information here, just adding a few more thoughts on your specific cases.
Case 1:
This fails because the required dimensions of the sparse gpuArray exceed intmax('int32'). Unfortunately, the error message you received didn't make this clear.
Case 2:
[i,j,v] = find(sparse(412761000,1,(1),6728535000,1))
While the gpuArray gets constructed correctly, displaying it takes a long time. (The display involves a call to gather, and that can be slow because internally sparse gpuArrays are stored in "Compressed Sparse Row" format, whereas on the CPU, MATLAB uses "Compressed Sparse Column").
Case 3:
sparse([275174 275174],1500,gpuArray(1),4485690,1500)
This should work, and the fact that it does not is a bug in the gpuArray implementation of sparse. (The bug is that the scalar expansion of the j parameter is not being supported).
Thanks for reporting these!