MATLAB: Sorting the number


there 10 categories,so in each category 8 values are there
category1=1 to 8, category2=9 to 16 ; ; category10=73to 80
I have values from 1 to 80,not in same order(A=1 to 80)
if i select a number for ex say am selecting 14(14 belongs to category2)so i need output as
14,15,16,9,10,11,12,13,(other values except these from 1 to 80 )
so i will have 80 values in which first 8 values belong to category 2
if i select 78
output must be
78,79,80,73,74,75,76,77,(other vales except these from 1 to 80)
please help

Best Answer

try this is code
n = 8;
x = 77;
k = rem(x-1,n)+1;
out = [x:x+n-k,x-k+1:x-1]