MATLAB: Cannot plot additional scatter points in a boxplot

boxplotshold onplottingscatter

Hello all,
I've got 15 horizontaly orientated boxplots in the same graph with 15 column vectors (x1, x2… x15) each with a different length.
I want to draw two scatter points at y=2 (the points are (x=0.4, y=2.0) and (x=0.6, y=2.0) above the last boxplot which is located at y=1.6.
However I cannot plot those two points and I do know that the command 'hold on' restricts the limits of the boxplots.
My code unitl now looks like:
Ypos = [0 0.1 0.2 0.3 0.4 0.5 0.6 0.7 0.8 0.9 1.0 1.1 1.2 1.5 1.6];
group_fordata = [repmat(Ypos(1),[size(x1),1]); repmat(Ypos(2),[size(x2)],1); repmat(Ypos(3),[size(x3)],1); repmat(Ypos(4),[size(x4)],1); repmat(Ypos(5),[size(x5)],1); repmat(Ypos(6),[size(x6)],1); repmat(Ypos(7),[size(x7)],1); repmat(Ypos(8),[size(x8)],1); repmat(Ypos(9),[size(x9)],1); repmat(Ypos(10),[size(x10)],1); repmat(Ypos(11),[size(x11)],1); repmat(Ypos(12),[size(x12)],1); repmat(Ypos(13),[size(x13)],1); repmat(Ypos(14),[size(x14)],1); repmat(Ypos(15),[size(x15)],1)];
data = [x1;x2;x3;x4;x5;x6;x7;x8;x9;x1;x11;x12;x13;x14;x15]
boxplot(data, group_fordata,'positions', Ypos,'orientation','horizontal')
hold on
plot([0.4 0.6],[2.0 2.0],'g.')
I cannot see the two points in green plotted. Any alternative to 'hold on' that would allow me to plot something above the value 1.6 of the y-axis?
Many thanks!

Best Answer

I think it's just that boxplot leaves the YLim in manual mode. Try this:
ylim auto
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