MATLAB: Sorting files inside a folder

alphanumeric sortnatsortnatsortfilessorting files in an order

I have files named
1 1a.bmp
1 1b.bmp
1 2a.bmp
1 2b.bmp
2 1a.bmp
2 1b.bmp
2 2a.bmp
2 2b.bmp
23 1a.bmp
23 1b. bmp
and so on
in a single folder. I have to sort these files in the order
1 1a.bmp
1 1b.bmp
2 1a.bmp
2 1b.bmp
3 1a.bmp
3 1b.bmp
23 1a.bmp
23 1b.bmp
1 2a.bmp
1 2b.bmp
23 2a.bmp
23 2b.bmp
and so on. Kindly help me with the syntax for this in Matlab.

Best Answer

This code gives the order requested in the original question:
C = {...
'1 1a.bmp';...
'1 1b.bmp';...
'1 2a.bmp';...
'1 2b.bmp';...
'2 1a.bmp';...
'2 1b.bmp';...
'2 2a.bmp';...
'2 2b.bmp';...
'23 1a.bmp';...
'23 1b.bmp';...
fun = @(s)sscanf(s,'%u%u%c.bmp').';
D = cellfun(fun,C,'UniformOutput',false);
[~,idx] = sortrows(cell2mat(D),[2,1,3]);
out = C(idx)
generating this:
out =
'1 1a.bmp'
'1 1b.bmp'
'2 1a.bmp'
'2 1b.bmp'
'23 1a.bmp'
'23 1b.bmp'
'1 2a.bmp'
'1 2b.bmp'
'2 2a.bmp'
'2 2b.bmp'