MATLAB: Assign output a name


I am working on something where I have a vector of image files, and I get Matlab to shuffle them and give me one. I would like to take the output answer (the random image) and display it. How do I assign the output a name? I tried ans=RandImage, but that didn't work. Here's the code I have that leads up to this. Thanks!
Images = {'11a.bmp';'12b.bmp';'12c.bmp'; etc. etc.}
% Shuffle images
%% Here's where Matlab gives me an image %%
ans = 11w.bmp
^ I would like to take this to somehow plug the output into the imread command.

Best Answer

Hi, for what I see, you need to do :
Images = {'11a.bmp';'12b.bmp';'12c.bmp'}; % list of images
RandomNumber = randi([1 length(Images)]); % random number between 1 and the number of images
image(imread(Images{RandomNumber)) % display the random image.