MATLAB: Sorting elements according to an array


I will try my best to phrase this question, hope it makes sense
I have 2 arrays, DATA which has useful data and SCALE which has the scale where I am fitting the data to.
DATA has numbers from 1-100 in random order, and SCALE has distinct intervals of tens from 1-100, i.e. 1,10,20,30…90,100
My goal is the write a code which clumps the elements from DATA to SCALE to do calulations such as SCALE-DATA (for example, 36 is the DATA element, the SCALE element should be 40 and it would be 40-36)
example – 7 will be rounded up to 10, and 23 will be rounded down to 20.
I understand the commands ciel and floor, however I am not sure what is the most efficient way to match the rounded data to the scale?

Best Answer

I am not certain what you want.
Try this:
DATA = randi([1 100], 25, 1); % Create DATA
SCALE = 10*round(DATA/10).*(DATA>=10) + 10*round(DATA/10).*(DATA<10);
Out = [DATA, SCALE];
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