MATLAB: How to round the decimal


Dear All;
I have a number array x = [0.00135678 0.00076243;0.0000045789 0.01234567];
Then i just want to round x to become as: results:[0.0013 0.00076; 0.0000045 0.012];
What to do?
Thanks in advance…..

Best Answer

Try this:
x = [0.00135678 0.00076243;0.0000045789 0.01234567];
L10 = log10(x); % Base 10 Logarithm
mant = fix(10.^rem(L10,1)*100); % Calculate Mantissa & Remove Extra Digits
expt = floor(L10)-1; % Determine Exponent
Result = mant .* 10.^expt
Result =
0.001300000000000 0.000760000000000
0.000004500000000 0.012000000000000