MATLAB: Sorting data in one column based on the time stamps in the alternate column

columndatadata sortingintervalsortsorting

In one matrix, one column has data and the column next to it has time stamps. I have another matrix where the first column is start times and the second column is stop times of the interval. I would like to get the data from the first matrix based on the intervals of the second matrix, where the intervals correspond to the time stamps in the first matrix second column. I would like to output the data into a matrix, where the interval data is in individual columns in that matrix.
Does this make sense? I have attached example matrices. So from the first column dataset.mat, I want the data set that corresponds to the interval.mat (3 intervals) and output them into three different columns corresponding to each interval.

Best Answer

selected = arrayfun(@(ROW) dataset(dataset(:,2) >= intervals(ROW,1) & dataset(:,2) <= intervals(ROW,2), 1), 1:size(intervals,1), 'Uniform', 0);
if all(diff(cellfun(@length, selected)) == 0)
selected = horzcat( selected{:} );
fprintf('the intervals select different number of rows, had to leave selected as a cell array\n');