MATLAB: Does a way exists to get the results of the retime function in matlab 2015b??? Any help would be great!!!

adding filesadding timecompounding timefile lengthtimetime datatime series

I'm trying to have one monotonic time created taking the end of the 1st cell of time data and continuing on until the last cell time data as one continous time. the frequency = 0.055;
(e.g. last cell data of cameraTime{1,1} = 3.2969e+03; cameraTime{1,2} = 3.2969e+03 + 0.055 and continue with the size of time data in the remaining cells to create one time for all the total cells.)

Best Answer

create cell arrays in which the camera time is the first column and the data corresponding to that time is in the other columns. cell2mat() those together into one big matrix and sort() on time.
Create a vector of times from the first to ceil((last-first)/0.055)*0.055+first at intervals of 0.055
Now do interp1() over the arrays, original time values as the x values, vector with consistent offset as the x values to query at.