MATLAB: Sorting and rearranging data in multiple columns


How to sort data as per ID and rearrange intensities in multiple columns?
ID Internsity >>>> ID1 ID2 ID3
1 23 23 53 44
2 53 78 45 56
3 44 28 12
2 45 26 94
1 78
2 12
3 56
1 28
2 94
1 26

Best Answer

One thing is you cannot store 3 columns in first row and 2 columns in others.
Here is a working example of what you want to do, not the most efficient one though;
A = [ 1 23
2 53
3 44
2 45
1 78
2 12
3 56
1 28
2 94
1 26 ]
unq = unique(A(:,1)); % unique elements in 1st column
for i = 1:length(unq)
y{i} = A(A(:,1)==unq(i),2); % find the elements in the 2nd column
% that has the same number in 1st column
From here, to get the elements that has "unq(i)" in the first column, you do