MATLAB: Sort a matrix based on unique values

columnsfill in resultsmatrixrowssortunique values

Lets assume I have matrix M:
And I want to fill in matrix O:
I want to sort the final matrix based on the first row in matrix M and O. If I just fill in matrix O without sorting, I get this result:
This is wrong, because colum 3 should be NaN while column 4 should have the values from matrix O, because there is a "match" between the first rows (1004 and 1004).
I hope it was clear. Thanks

Best Answer

I think you can use the ismember function to do what you want. For example,
[tf,loc] = ismember([1001 1002 1004],[1001 1002 1003 1004 1005]);
will result in
loc = [1 2 4]
skipping the 3rd column as you want.
So, you probably want something like
[tf,loc] = ismember(O(1,:),M(1,:));
to find your indices.