MATLAB: Matching elements in a matrix with elements in another matrix


I have a matrix,
A=[1 3 4
3 1 5
NaN 3 6]
and another index matrix
B=[1 333
2 356
3 112
4 789
5 762
6 221
7 876
8 922]
I want to match the elements in matrix A with the correesponding index (1st column) in matrix B and return
C=[333 112 789
112 333 762
NaN 112 221]
I tried using ismember, (by first making matrix A to a vector), however it did not work

Best Answer

>> [idx,idy] = ismember(A,B(:,1));
>> C = nan(size(A));
>> C(idx) = B(idy(idx),2)
C =
333 112 789
112 333 762
NaN 112 221