MATLAB: [Solved] Trouble changing font of plot titles

axis labelsfont

Hi folks,
I'm trying to unify the fonts I'm using in a paper, and am coming to the conclusion that I'm missing something important about how fonts work in MATLAB. I can get the ticks and legends to be in my desired font, but not the titles and axis labels.
%% Broken font settings, minimum working example
set(0, 'DefaultAxesFontName', 'Highway Gothic')
plot(x, y)
title("This should be in Highway Gothic", 'FontName', 'Highway Gothic')
ylabel("I can change font size...", 'FontName', 'Highway Gothic', 'FontSize', 20)
xlabel("...but not typeface?", 'FontName', 'Highway Gothic')
legend('why does this work?')
This produces the following:
…and, to top it off, something I did seems to have changed elements of my MATLAB interface (the file list in the "Current Folder" pane, the list of variables in the workspace, and the text of dialog boxes) to Highway Gothic. I don't mind this much because it's a good font, but….wat?

Best Answer

I notice that the default Interpreter property for title and labels is 'tex', which can interfere with getting the font you expect. I suggest you add 'Interpreter', 'none' to the calls.
[Copied from comment as it turned out to be the answer]
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