MATLAB: Warning: Unable to interpret TeX string


I often use greek/ latin variables in my titles/ axis, with no problem.
For example;
figure; title('\bf My Output, \Theta');
comes out fine.
I have just tried to use a latex command for the first time and get the error "Warning: Unable to interpret TeX string "Maxima \hat{V}"
legend('Maxima {\hat V}', 'Location','Best', 'interpreter','latex');
I am using MATLAB 2012A on Win7. I use WinEdt 6 and the latest MikTex Package.
I have seen there is a lot of stuff on this error in the forums, but it seems to be platform dependant. None of the fixes I have found seem to work for me.
any ideas? thank you!

Best Answer

Matlab does not support the full set of latex commands. Please look for the string property in text properties to see the supported commands.