MATLAB: Solve quadratic equation problem

quadratic equation

Hi guys, I am trying to solve a quadratic equation for Mu, but when i use solve (f,Mu) an X show up which is not in the original equation. i do not know how.
the quadratic equation;
(((V1*K1)/(K1+((4*Mu)/3)))+((V2*K2 )/(K2+((4*Mu)/3))))+ 5*(((V1*Mu2)/(Mu-Mu2))+((V2*Mu1)/(Mu-Mu1)))+2; =0
f=(((V1*K1)/(K1+((4*Mu)/3)))+((V2*K2 )/(K2+((4*Mu)/3))))+ 5*(((V1*Mu2)/(Mu-Mu2))+((V2*Mu1)/(Mu-Mu1)))+2;

Best Answer

It isn't a quadratic equation, it is a quartic equation. The explicit solutions for it total over a million characters long.
Did you notice the RootOf that showed up in the answer? See