MATLAB: Solve a matrix-form equation


Dear All,
I have a matrix of constants that gives me the constants for my equation. I need to know how to solve that equation in MATLAB. Assume the following is my matrix of constants :
Constants= [ 0.05888460 1.325 1
-0.06136111 1.87 1
-0.002650473 2.5 2
0.002731125 2.8 2
0.001802374 2.938 2.42
-0.001150707 3.14 2.63
0.00009588528 3.37 3
-0.000000110904 3.75 4
0.0000000001264403 4 5];
and the equation comes from the following sum:
for i=1:9
Sum= Sum + (Constants(i,1) * ((100/333)^( Constants(i,2))) * ((x)^(Constants(i,3))));
basically the equation I want to solve is :
eqn = Sum == 1.0259;
solx = solve(eqn, x)
I do not know why I could not use
syms x
command to define an equation! Please help, I appreciate your attention! Best

Best Answer

s=sum(Constants(:,1) .* (100/333).^Constants(:,2) .* x.^Constants(:,3) )