MATLAB: So I need to sort a time data out. First I have a column of data e.g 24401 means 244th days and 01 means the first 30 minutes. So in one day I have 48 data and I have a month full of time. How to convert the time into hours To show on graph easier

timetime series data analysis

24401 means 244th days and the first 30 minutes of the day.
24448 means 244th days and the 24th hours
So it goes up by 30 Minutes interval. How can I convert the 5 digit code into hours to plot it on the graph. I don’t want the x axis to be 244401 I want it to be 0.5 hour instead.

Best Answer

I would think that you would just do this:
>> .5*(x - 100*(round(x/100)))
ans =
0.5 24