MATLAB: How to create datetime from day of year

datetimeday of yearMATLAB

I know that I can get a date from a datetime object as YYYY-DDD, but what if I want to create a datetime object, given the year and day-of-year?
I've done this: >> T = datetime(2015,1,1) + days(266);
but is there a more direct way?

Best Answer

The day, month, and year numbers you input into DATETIME don't need to be within the normal ranges for those numbers (1 to 12 for month, 1 to 28/29/30/31 for day depending on the month, etc.) For instance, September 24th 2015 is the 267th day of the year.
>> datetime(2015, 1, 267)
ans =
There is some precedence for this, including some in MATLAB itself.
A = magic(4);
A(5) % A only has 4 rows but this linear index wraps around and refers to A(1, 2)