MATLAB: Sinusoidal steady state response to sinusoidal input

MATLABtransfer function

So I have a transfer function of a feedback system,
>> yd
yd =
s^3 + 202 s^2 + 401 s + 200
s^3 + 202 s^2 + 20401 s + 1e06
Of which I'd like to look at the sinusoidal steady state response to the disturbance d(t) = sin(130t).
How do you do this in matlab? I'm well aware of how to get a step or impulse response, but not a sinusoidal response.

Best Answer

Use the lsim function:
% num = s^3 + 202 s^2 + 401 s + 200
% den = s^3 + 202 s^2 + 20401 s + 1e06
n = [1 202 401 200];
d = [1 202 20401 1E+6];
sys = tf(n,d); % Define LTI System
t = linspace(0, 100, 1000); % Time Vector
u = sin(130*t); % Forcing Function
y = lsim(sys, u, t); % Calculate System Response
plot(t, y)