MATLAB: Step is plotting backwards

controlstepstepinfotransfer function

Im trying yo get the step response the transfunction:
244.2 s + 244.2
0.015 s^4 + 1.525 s^3 + 2.51 s^2 + 245.2 s + 1221
but the resulting plot is something kind of reversed:
Why is this happening? is there a way to solve it?
Also stepinfo give me wierd values:
RiseTime: NaN SettlingTime: NaN SettlingMin: NaN SettlingMax: NaN Overshoot: NaN Undershoot: NaN Peak: Inf PeakTime: Inf

Best Answer

The step function is correct.
Your system is unstable.
s = tf('s');
sys = (244.2*s + 244.2) / (0.015*s^4 + 1.525*s^3 + 2.51*s^2 + 245.2*s + 1221);
sys_poles = pole(sys)
sys_poles =
-101.53 + 0i
2.2371 + 12.99i
2.2371 - 12.99i
-4.6143 + 0i
You have a conjugate pair of poles in the RHP.