MATLAB: Sine wave pressure perturbation valve, SimHydraulics


I am trying to excite a relatively simple hydraulic circuit, using SimHydraulics. I want to cause frequency dependent perturbations to determine the stability of my system at certain frequency of excitation effectively I am trying to make a Bode plot by hand.
A snippet of the model is below
I have no problem sending a Sine wave to the control valve as shown below, the minimum of the control signal cause a 10% decrease in flow(855) when the valve remains in that position indefinitely, while the max of the control signal is the valve in a fully open position (flow = 950)
However because of the nature of a Gate valve the passage area is not linearly proportional to displacement of the valve, thus the pressure differential is not linearly proportional to valves displacement. Thus when I try to send I sine wave control signal I don't get a sine wave response in the flow or pressure. As shown below
What I am trying to do is cause a sine wave perturbation in pressure. What is the best way to do this?
  • Is there a control valve which has a pressure differential response linearly proportional to valves position?
  • Is there another way I can "dead head" the system, using another type of block to cause a pressure differential proportional relative to time. Which would mean I would just have to replace the gate valve but everything else would stay largely the same.
  • Can I use a custom control signal to cause sine wave response in pressure using the valve I am currently using, if so how do you specify a custom equation? apposed to the sine wave disturbance I am using now

Best Answer

Hi Andrew, you should use a look-up table to linearise your input to the valve. This look-up table is placed at the input to your gate value. It provides the mapping from your input to an equivalent movement in the gate position to achieve a linear response (in terms of flow rate). Sam Oliver.