MATLAB: Simulink Fixed Step Size Discrete Compiler – two different step sizes in .cpp file

fixed-step sizesample timesimulink coder

Hi Everyone,
When I generate my code from the Simulink Coder (2011a), in my .cpp file I get
290 /* Model step function for TID0 */
291 void TEST_step0(void) /* Sample time: [0.04s, 0.0s] */
292 {
293 /* (no output/update code required) */
294 }
296 /* Model step function for TID1 */
297 void TEST_step1(void) /* Sample time: [1.0s, 0.0s] */
I want the step size to always be 0.04s…I set the solver to this value, and I'm not sure why it is giving me a second sample size.
thanks, B.

Best Answer

You probably have blocks in your model that have a sample time of 1s (blocks in a model with a fixed-step solver can have a sample-time that is a multiple of the solver step-size). Look at the sample-time colors in your model to find the blocks and assign them to have a sample-time of 0.04s.