MATLAB: Simulink: end simulation message

messagesimulinkstop blockstop simulation

I would like to know if it is possible to make a message appear after the end of a simulation. This message should tell which "stop simulation" block (among the many) made the simulation stop.
Thanks in advance!

Best Answer

Of course it is possible. Let me give you a starting point about it. Go to File->Model Properties->Model Properties and go to StopFcn. Write the following line:
warndlg('Simulation ended with success')
Everytime the simulation ends with success, this message will pop up. Assume that simulation time is 10 seconds and you can add an if statement of simulation time like
if Simulation time==10
warndlg('Simulation ended with success')
errordlg('Simulation includes an error')
This may also work. Hope this helps.