MATLAB: Simulink – Times

callbacksreal timesimulation timesimulink

is there a command which gives me the simulation time (not the real time) of my simulink simulation when I stop it manually? I would only need it at the end of the simulation in Matlab.
I am using callback functions and I can get the total simulation time by t_sim = str2num(get_param('model','StopTime')) However, this time does not depend on when I stop the simulation manually.
I would need a command which gives me the actual simulation time and I could implement it as a callback StopFcn.
Thank you

Best Answer

There are two ways.
If you are using sim() to run the simulation, then use [T,X,Y]= sim('model',TIMESPAN,OPTIONS,UT), T(end) will be the stop time that you need.
In the Data Import/Export portion of the Configuration Parameters dialog, check the "Time" option, the time vector will be saved to the variable "tout" in the workspace. When you manually stop the simulation, tout(end) will be the stop time.
Another way is to manually "pause" the simulation, instead of stop the simulation. You'll see the pause time at the status bar (the bar at the bottom of your model window). Then you can stop the simulation.
Or you can put a "Clock" block (in Source library) and a "Display" block (in Sinks library) at the root level of your model. When you stop the simulation, the "Display" block will show the actual stop time.