MATLAB: SimLink problem

Simscape Multibodysimulinksolidworks

Hello. I'm working with SimLink following the steps to get the Stewart Platform Model but I can't do it. I have installed Simmechanics link in Solid Works and in MATLAB. First, I open the Stewart Platform demo in Solid Works and a Dialogue Box called "Pro/ENGINEER to SolidWorks Converter" appears, but I don't modify anything from there. Then, after it finishes the importing, I go to "Settings" in SimLink and save changes (Leaving all things as it was ). Then I save the file as XML. I go to MATLAB and write mech_import("stewart_platform"). When it finishes, it opens a simulink model but it doesn't look like the example model. What I get is a Body Block in the left called "Root Part", eight Six-DoF Blocks in the middle and eight Body Blocks in the right called "actuatorassm1-1", "actuatorassm1-2","actuatorassm1-3","actuatorassm1-4","actuatorassm1-5", "actuatorassm1-6", "topplate-1"and "baseringassembly-1". It's totally different from the example and I don't know what I am doing wron. It would be great if you helped me. Thanyou

Best Answer

I've already solved the problem thanks...