MATLAB: SimBiology insulindemo does not load variants in the parameters

MATLABSimBiologysimbiology insulindemo

Hi all I am new in SimBiology and I am trying to run the insulindemo example following the steps in this link: When I modify a simple parameter (specifically "StartTime" within the 'Single Meal' object, by replacing '0' by '2', or whatever) and I restart the simulation to load the new values, the plasma glucose results do not reflect the new start time, but instead they are completely flat. Am I doing anything wrong? Thanks in advance. Manuel J.

Best Answer

Hi Manuel,
Are you using R2017a? There is a bug in this release that affects this particular demo. Specifically, when a dose and an event occur at the same time, only the dose takes effect. In this particular demo, this means that any meals that occur after time 0 will not get applied correctly to the model. Can you try this example in R2016b or in the R2017b pre-release and see if the problem is addressed?
If you don't have access to a different release, I'm not sure what to recommend. There might be a way to change the model to work around the bug, but I would have to think about that.