MATLAB: Select rows satisfying a particular condition


having a matrix of dim 5 x 10
if i give start_index = 1, and end_index = 3, i wanted to get rows starting with value of start_index and ending with end_index excluding zeros.
eg: rows 4 and 5
cell_matrix = {[1 2 3]
[1 3] }
saved to a cell matrix

Best Answer

% Let A - your array.
[ii,jj,v] = find(A);
z = [ii,jj,v];
z = sortrows(z,[1,2]);
out = accumarray(z(:,1),z(:,3),[],@(x){fun(x,1,3)});
function out = fun(x,b,e)
x = x(:)';
out = [];
if isequal(x([1,end]) , [b,e]) && all(diff(x(:)) > 0)
out = x;