MATLAB: How to obtain repetition patterns (start, end indices) in an array

MATLABpattern recognition in arrayspatterns

My question is as follows:
Given an array N (see below) and a key value, I would like to identify the start and end indices of the pattern associated with the key.
N = [1 1 2 2 2 2 3 3 3 4 4 4 4 1 1 1 1 2 2 2 3 3 3 3 3];
key = 2;
For example, in the above, the pattern associated with '2' can be captured by a sequence of start indices and end indices. Thus, I would like the output:
start_indices = [3 18]
end_indices = [6 20]
How can I do this in MATLAB? Any help appreciated. Thanks in advance!
PS. The broader pattern in this problem is always cyclical. For example, a sequence of 1's is always followed by sequence of 2's, followed by sequence of 3's, followed by sequence of 4's and then back to a sequence of 1's.

Best Answer

I found a simple way out, thanks for the response @Philipp - since this is a part of a big code I tried to keep away from looping.
key_inds = find(N==key);
start_index = key_inds(1);
end_index = key_inds(end);
start_indices = [start_index key_inds(find(diff(key_inds)>1)+1)];
end_indices = [key_inds(find(diff(key_inds)>1)) end_index];