MATLAB: Select a subset from a larger dataset

datasetMATLAB and Simulink Student Suitesubset

I am trying to select a subset from a dataset using the following command:
if true
t = readtable('my_table.csv');
data = table2dataset(t);
M_L = data(data.System=='M' & data.Hemisphere=='L',:);
M_R = data(data.System=='M' & data.Hemisphere=='R',:);
But I am getting an error: Undefined operator '==' for input arguments of type 'cell'.
Any ideas how to fix that? I will need to select mulpitle subsets with different variables, so I would prefer not to use strcmp or strmatch.

Best Answer

Undefined operator '==' for input arguments of type 'cell'.
The operator is not for cell. Therefore, you have to convert the cell type to matrix first. However, i'm not sure whether data.System or data.Hemisphere is cell type, or both are cell type.
if true
t = readtable('my_table.csv');
data = table2dataset(t);
M_L = data(cell2mat(data.System)=='M' & cell2mat(data.Hemisphere)=='L',:);
M_R = data(cell2mat(data.System)=='M' & cell2mat(data.Hemisphere)=='R',:);