MATLAB: Do I see “Error: This is a R2018b installation . You can only install newer updates.” in the log file when installing R2018b update 4


Why do I see the following error in the log file when installing R2018b Update 4?
Error: This is a R2018b installation . You can only install newer updates

Best Answer

This error will appear in the installation log file if you do not point to the parent folder when installing the update 4. This error will also occur if you already have that specific update level installed.
To resolve the issue:
  1. Download the update zip file.
  2. Create a new folder and copy the zip file to that folder and unzip.
  3. Run the update installer command pointing to the new folder created.
update_installer.exe -updatepackage _path to __new folder_
  1. Check installation log file to ensure the update installed successfully
Where are the MATLAB Installation and Activation log files located?