MATLAB: Do I see an error in ModelSim when using the VSIM command in Link For ModelSim

EDA Simulator Link MQvsim

When I use the VSIM command in ModelSim GUI, I see the following errors:
# Loading /mathworks/devel/sandbox/merickso/adsp.test/matlab/toolbox/modelsim/linux32/
# Error: (vsim-3197) Load of "/mathworks/devel/sandbox/merickso/adsp.test/matlab/toolbox/modelsim/linux32/" failed: /mathworks/hub/share/apps/HDLTools/ModelSim/questasim-6.2c-tmw-000/questasim/gcc-3.2.3-rhe21/lib/ version `GCC_3.3' not found (required by /mathworks/devel/sandbox/merickso/adsp.test/matlab/sys/os/glnx86/
# Error: (vsim-FLI-3160) Failed to load FLI object file "/mathworks/devel/sandbox/merickso/adsp.test/matlab/toolbox/modelsim/linux32/".

Best Answer

This enhancement has been incorporated in Release 2007b (R2007b). For previous product releases, read below for any possible workarounds:
If you have installed a Mentor Graphics distributed GCC in the ModelSim/QuestaSim installation, the Mentor Graphics VSIM application will prepend potentially incompatible paths to the LD_LIBRARY_PATH variable. The error message in the VSIM application will be similar to the following:
  1. Loading /mathworks/devel/sandbox/merickso/adsp.test/matlab/toolbox/modelsim/linux32/
  2. Error: (vsim-3197) Load of "/mathworks/devel/sandbox/merickso/adsp.test/matlab/toolbox/modelsim/linux32/" failed: /mathworks/hub/share/apps/HDLTools/ModelSim/questasim-6.2c-tmw-000/questasim/gcc-3.2.3-rhe21/lib/ version `GCC_3.3' not found (required by /mathworks/devel/sandbox/merickso/adsp.test/matlab/sys/os/glnx86/
  3. Error: (vsim-FLI-3160) Failed to load FLI object file "/mathworks/devel/sandbox/merickso/adsp.test/matlab/toolbox/modelsim/linux32/".
You can determine if this is the case on Unix by examining LD_LIBRARY_PATH in the VSIM Tcl shell:
vsim> array get env LD_LIBRARY_PATH
Several MATLAB installation directories, including MATLABROOT/sys/os/<OS>, should be listed before any Mentor installation directories.
These are the workaround options for R2006b and earlier versions:
1. If you do not have a Mentor Graphics bundled GCC installed and the MATLAB installation directories are not first in the LD_LIBRARY_PATH, you likely have a non-default MATLAB_SHELL or incorrect setup in your login files.
2. If you have a Mentor Graphics bundled GCC installed and it is not really being used, removing that installation will prevent VSIM from pre-pending ModelSim/QuestaSim installation paths. You can remove the installation in one of two ways:
1. Rename the Mentor Graphics GCC installation to something else.
For example:
mv gcc-3.3-sunos58 bak.gcc-3.3-sunos58
2. Set the modelsim.ini variable CppPath to point to anywhere but the Mentor Graphics bundled GCC executables, for example:
CppPath = /foobar
3. If you have a Mentor Graphics bundled GCC installed and it is being used (e.g., you are developing your own C++ libraries or SystemC libraries that are linked into the ModelSim/QuestaSim simulator), then there is potentially a GCC compatibility issue between our library and your libraries.
1. If you are on a 32-bit Linux platform using the Mentor Graphics bundled gcc-3.2.3-rhe21, moving to the Mentor Graphics bundled gcc-4.0.2-rhe2.1 should fix the issue.
In this case you should do the following:
1. Use the command:
mv gcc-3.2.3-rhe21 bak.gcc-3.2.3-rhe21
2. Install the gcc-4.0.2-rhe21.tar.gz file from Mentor Graphics web site.
2. If you are not on a 32-bit Linux platform using the Mentor Graphics bundled gcc-3.2.3-rhe21 and our library is not loading, then there may be other incompatibilities present and you should contact MathWorks Technical Support.