MATLAB: Search for keywords in text file

search keywords

hi there I want to do search in TEST.txt, for 'Area' and 'class' keywords. if both exist display 'yes'. could you plz help me about that?
my code:
filetext = fileread('TEST.txt');
expr1 = '[^\n]*[Aa]rea[^\n]*';
matchstr = regexp(filetext,expr1,'match');
expr2 = '[^\n]*[Cc]lass[^\n]*';
matchstr = regexp(filetext,expr2,'match');
if matchstr(filetext,expr1)&& matchstr(filetext,expr2)
disp (yes)
error: Index in position 1 exceeds array bounds.

Best Answer

  • You're overwriting your matchstring variable in the second regexp call, losing the result of the first call.
  • your matchstr(fileext, expr1) is complete nonsense. It is trying to index a scalar logical with two char arrays.
The correct expression would be:
if regexp(filetext,expr1,'match') & regexp(filetext,expr2,'match')
It is puzzling how you could come up with the regular expressions but then write complete nonsense code.