MATLAB: Regexp for sentence that contains parentheses


I have a *.csv file that I read wih the following command:
filetext = fileread('example_file.csv');
This file contains a header that I would like to read line-by-line. The header contains some lines like:
Experiment name;AFS2_test1
Integration time internal baseline (ms);10.00
To look for the line that matches with the first one ('Experiment name') I do the following:
expr = '[^\n]*Experiment name[^\n]*'
matches = regexp(filetext,expr,'match');
matches =
1×1 cell array
{'Experiment name;AFS2_test1'}
But when I search for the second line ('Integration time (ms)') I get:
expr = '[^\n]*Integration time (ms)[^\n]*'
matches = regexp(filetext,expr,'match')
matches =
0×0 empty cell array
I suspect it has anything to do with the parentheses that enclose the word 'ms' but i'm not sure. Who can help me to define the correct regexp?

Best Answer

Yes, all special regexp characters, [](){}.*+?^$\, have to be escaped with a \, so:
expr = '[^\n]*Integration time \(ms\)[^\n]*'