MATLAB: Search and Replace file

matlab function

I have some 50+ conf files that I am working. I need to find and replace various variable for all these files. For example, I'd like to find the line
Amplitude = 100; and replace it to: Amplitude = 200; for all files.
I've searched in online and found the solution only for one file. I'm looking for a way to do that in matlab. Any ideas?

Best Answer

If you're on a Unix system, and currently in the directory with the conf files, you can run from MATLAB:
!sed -i 's/Amplitude = 100;/Amplitude = 200;/g' ./*
Which will check every file in the current directory (./*) for the first regular expression (Amplitude = 100;) and replace it with the second regular expression (Amplitude = 200;). The ! just makes it the same as entering the command directly into the system's terminal.