MATLAB: Custom colour bar, excluding the Blue from RGB.

color barcustom colorbarMATLAB

I made a custom colour bar where 100 fell exactly at green and 200 at red. Anything from 0 to 100 along with their colours in insignificant and I'd prefer they do not show up in the colour bar. That being said, I would specifically like to have the colour bar such that it starts at the lowest (green) at 100 and ends at the highest (red) at 200.
I used the following code for the image.
A = [200 200 200 200 200; 200 200 200 200 200; 200 200 100 200 200; 200 200 200 200 200; 200 200 200 200 200];
Percent_matrix = flipud (A);
Percent_Interp = imresize(Percent_matrix,200,'bilinear');
shading interp
caxis([0 200])
load CustomColourMap
colormap( CustomColourMap );

Best Answer

Define ‘CustomColourMap’ as:
CustomColourMap = @(x) [linspace(0,1,x).' linspace(1,0,x).' zeros(x,1)];
then to use it:
CustomColourMap = @(x) [linspace(0,1,x).' linspace(1,0,x).' zeros(x,1)];
A = [200 200 200 200 200; 200 200 200 200 200; 200 200 100 200 200; 200 200 200 200 200; 200 200 200 200 200];
Percent_matrix = flipud (A);
Percent_Interp = imresize(Percent_matrix,200,'bilinear');
shading interp
caxis([100 200])
% load CustomColourMap
colormap( CustomColourMap(64) );
Custom colour bar, excluding the Blue from RGB - 2020 01 16.png
Corrected typographical error.