MATLAB: Saving Values from a For Loop

for loop

Hello everyone,
Here is my "for" loop for a midterm project that I am working on. The outer "for" loop is supposed to run the inner "for" loop 100,000 times and save the resulting i value from the inner loop for each time the inner loop is completed. I need some assistance in editing my code to have it save my resultant i value into a vector every time the inner loop is completed. Thank You!
for j = 1:1:1e6
x = 260 + 6*randn(250,1);
i = 0;
o = 0;
for k = 1:length(x)
if x(k) < 260 && o == 0
i = i - (x(k)*100) - 175;
o = o + 100;
elseif x(k) > 265 && o == 100
i = i + (x(k)*100) - 175;
o = o - 100;

Best Answer

Savedi(j) = i;