MATLAB: Saving multiple figures to a named path

saveas multiple figures

Dear community,
I have a script that produces multiple figures and I would like to save them automatically to a named folder. I have looked to similar examples at this forum but I still cannot figure out how to create multiple handles. The result is that, although the figures are plotted and seem to be saved in the format I have specified (.bmp), only the lastly created figure is saved in the specified folder.
The code I am using is the following: (this part of the code rests inside a for loop, with n being the counter)
plot((5:5:300),mean(A,1)); % we take an average plot of
%the 300ms after all the 40 stimulations of the stimulated
title(['File: ' filename ' Stim electr: ' num2str(StimElectr(n))]);
xlabel('Latency [ms]'); ylabel('Count'); grid on
Any help appreciated! Thank you, Stella

Best Answer

They're all being saved in the location requested but you're not updating the file name so the end result is you're overwriting N-1 previous with the Nth.
You need to update the filename to a unique name for each; perhaps using some variant of the name you've created for the title above.