MATLAB: How to assign names to save different figures

figurefor loopfullfileimagename

Hi all,
I'm cropping out certain parts of an image using imcrop function, which opens them in new figures. I would then like to save those figures as separate .tif images into a specific folder and then repeat for other images. In such a way in one folder I would like to write new images as 'figure_%d.tif' after the already existent images. Here's the code I have at the moment:
files = dir( fullfile(folder_name,'*tif') ); %list all figure files
file = {};
shortname1=name(1:6);%extract 'figure' from the file to make sure it's of the same kind
if shortname1=='figure'
shortname2=name(1:end-4);%find the number of file
n=str2num(shortname2(end));%returns the number of the file
for k=(n+1):(n+numel(figures))
baseFileName = sprintf('figure_%d.tif',k);
fullFileName = fullfile(folder_name,baseFileName);
figlist=findobj(gcf);%find all images in opened figures
for i=1:numel(figlist)
The problem is, it saves only the last opened figure several times instead of saving each figure with a set baseFileName. Could anyone please help me to sort it out?
Thanks in advance!

Best Answer

I think that the problem is with the inner for loop. The code seems to know already about the number of figures that it has to write to file from the figures list
for k=(n+1):(n+numel(figures))
baseFileName = sprintf('figure_%d.tif',k);
fullFileName = fullfile(folder_name,baseFileName);
% etc.
(Is this array initialized with something like figures = findobj('Type','figure'), and so contains all the handles to the open figures?)
So we have the new file name and the figure, but then the following call is made to get all objects and descendants associated with gcf, the "current figure"
Then the code iterates on the length of this object, writing each element in the list to the same output file. And this happens repeatedly since for every k we compute figlist=findobj(gcf); against the same current figure.
I think that all you need to do is remove the inner for loop and have something more like
i=1; % to access the ith element of figures
for k=(n+1):(n+numel(figures))
baseFileName = sprintf('figure_%d.tif',k);
fullFileName = fullfile(folder_name,baseFileName);
i = i+1; % increment
The above assumes that figure is an array of all figure handles that you want to save to file.
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