MATLAB: Saving a .txt with Month/Day in filename


Hello MW forum!
I'd like to save a big matrix to an ascii file as double, but I'd like the date (preferably the month/day) added to the filename before the '.txt'…
I was using something like:
save('good_series.txt', matrix_variable, '-ascii', 'double')
and Ive tried a few other things where I try to pass the date in as an argument to a filename, but it was unsuccessful. I'd like to avoid using solutions with f* anything.. fid, fopen, etc.
Thank you in advance for your suggestions and help.

Best Answer

Use sprintf() to construct the filename from the date string:
formatOut = 'dd-mmm-yyyy';
d=datestr(now, formatOut)
baseFileName = sprintf('%s, good_series.txt', d)
fullFileName = fullfile(yourFolder, baseFileName);
save(fullFileName, matrix_variable, '-ascii', 'double')