MATLAB: Save the neural network output “net” to matfile

save nn output

i wanted to save the neural network output "net" to matfile….. is it possible to do so…. i did like this….
dbFeatures(kk) = net;
kk = kk + 1;
when i process all the images…
i save the dbFeatures as
save dbFeatures dbFeatures
but i'm getting error as
??? The following error occurred converting from network to double:
Error using ==> double
Conversion to double from network is not possible.
Error in ==> TrainDataset at 135
dbFeatures(kk) = net;
please can someone rectify it for me….

Best Answer

I don't know why you are using the term 'features' for describing a net. Nets can be thought of as structures with different sizes. Therefore try using cells:
savednets{kk} = net; . . .
save savednets
However, check if you can load the nets individually, e.g.,
load savednets{2}
If not, save them individually by name
save net2
Hope this helps
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