MATLAB: How to do comparison on neural network output

neural network

i have saved 8 outputs of neural netowrk in one matfile "db_net"…
is it possible…. for me to execute one image and check whether its neural network output matches with anyone in the db_net matfile…..
i did like this…
count = 0;
load db_net
for i = 1:8
if db_net{i} == net;
count = i;
but i'm getting error as….
??? Undefined function or method 'eq' for input arguments of type 'network'.
Error in ==> MainFile at 140
if db_net{i} == net;
i think its because of equal to operator…. please can someone show me how to do comparison on neural network output…. please do reply…..

Best Answer

>> net1 = fitnet;net2=fitnet;isequal(net1,net2)
ans =
Hope this helps.
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