MATLAB: Save plot every second in different file image


Please Help me.
I have the program of monitoring signal which I use plot function to view the signal. Because I use the timer function, the plot changed every second. What I want is I can save that plot for every second, let say for 10 seconds. What will I to do so the plots are saved in a file with different named? say file 1.tiff for signal 1, file 2.tiff for signal 2, and so on.

Best Answer

in the function which is called from the timer (TimerFcn callback) before updating the plot you can save it. Lets say the TimerFcn is named
timer('TimerFcn',@my_func, 'Period', 1.0);
Than you create my_func as follows
function my_func(obj,event )
This will pass the timer object to my_func in every call. The timer object has a property called 'TasksExecuted'. With this property you can create dynamic file names easily as follows:
%before updating the plot
%update plot
More specific:
t = timer('TimerFcn',@my_func, 'Period', 1.0,'ExecutionMode','fixedRate');
function my_func(obj,event )