MATLAB: Displaying Timer Function in Graph


I have created a timer function, which after every second displays EEG data coming through.
I want this to be displayed in a graph not in the command window. How is this possible? Currently it displays the text in the command window
The code is attached

Best Answer

sufyan - suppose that your timer starts when you press the start button in your GUI. The pushbutton callback would look something like
function start_Callback(hObject, eventdata, handles)
handles.timer = timer('Name','MyTimer', ...
'Period',1.0, ...
'StartDelay',0, ...
'TasksToExecute',inf, ...
'ExecutionMode','fixedSpacing', ...
The above timer will fire (roughly) every second. Note how we pass the GUI figure handle as an input to the timerCallback function. This is necessary so that we can access the handles structure (from there) to (potentially) update the axes with new data. The callback can be defined as
function [] = timerCallback(~,~,guiHandle)
if ~isempty(guiHandle)
% get the handles
handles = guidata(guiHandle);
if ~isempty(handles)
% use EEG (?) to update the axes
% if new data, then update the axes
In the above, we get the handles structure using guihandles so that we can get the current set of data in the axes control. In your stop button callback, you would then stop the timer
function stop_Callback(hObject, eventdata, handles)
if isfield(handles, 'timer')