MATLAB: Save bash output in matlab cell array

external outputMATLABsave

Hello all,
I need to extract certain values from a text file and have been using the following bash command:
awk 'NR==41,NR==56 {print $1}' Filename.txt
I'd like to be able to save the output from this command, for example:
onsets{1}= output_from_awk_command
Is there a way I can either run this command through matlab and then save the value to part of my cell or print these values via bash into the matlab window? I would like to avoid the extra step of saving the awk output and then loading it in matlab to save.

Best Answer

What about this:
[status,cmdout] = system('wk ''NR==41,NR==56 {print $1}'' Filename.txt')
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