loadtext file

in matlab I can save and load for example like this
>> mymat=rand(2,3)
mymat =
0.2785 0.9575 0.1576
0.5469 0.9649 0.9706
>> save mymat -ascii >> save mymat -ascii >> clear >> load
but in this assignment I was asked to download a file from the internet that was a vector
the assignment said I should load it with this command
TRD = load('TRONDHEIM_MT_Daily.txt');
i saved is as
and it worked to load it
with the way they noted but the filetype is different from other matlab files. I cant find any information about it on internet. Is .txt an own file type and does anyone know where to find information about it if it is?

Best Answer

Hi Tor,
I don't 100% understand the question: .txt is just as .dat or similar an "indicator" that it's a text file (ascii, not yet nothing to do with MATLAB). The load (as you experienced with is capable of reading "plain" ascii text files. If the text file contains more than just numbers (like header, dates, etc.), then the other functions for reading ascii files come into play (doc iofun gives an overview).
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