MATLAB: ‘save as’ command

guiguideMATLABmatlab guisavestruct

Hello I'm searching for a command in my GUI(with guide) to save the data in a file which is named by user Input. I would like to have a pushbutton and it opens a window where the user just have to insert the name of the file.
See my Code:
function save_as_Callback(hObject, eventdata, handles),'results_data');
save ('','result') %here user should Input Name of file but in my GUI

Best Answer

Hi Valentino,
use uiputfile for this task, something like
[fName, pName] = uiputfile('*.mat');
if fName==0
% user pressed cancel
save(fullfile(pName, fName), 'result');
EDIT: corrected the typo, thanks