MATLAB: How to project an image stack in time dimension

projects an image stack along the time dimention

I have a tif format image stack which I upload using below script. Now I want to get an image which is the addition of all images together. This will help me to see the track that an object moved in time (third dimension). I would appreciate a help with this.
[fName, pName] = uigetfile('*.tif');
imageD1 = imread(fullfile(pName, fName));
info = imfinfo(fName); num_images = numel(info);
dummy=1; for i=1:num_images imageData1(:,:,dummy) = imread(fullfile(pName, fName),i); dummy=dummy+1;

Best Answer

It should be as simple as:
%%I just do this for all files in the same directory, you'll have to fix file-finding...
fNames = dir('*.tif');
totD = 0;
for iFiles = 1:numel(fNames)
imageD1 = imread(fNames(i1).name);
imageD1 = double(imageD1);
totD = totD + imageD1;