MATLAB: Functions renaming answers from variable, also saving cropped image as file

croppingimage processingsaving

Hi there, I have a simple question that I couldn't find an answer to.
I wrote a simple function for cropping, where I am cropping multiple images at the same size and dimensions as such:
function [I4] = icrop (Image)
I4 = imcrop(Image,[2000 1185 776 760]);
I want to be able to automatically saved the cropped image with a suffix after the variable name. So, if I put in A.jpg, I want the cropped file to be A1.jpg
Any suggestions? Thanks

Best Answer

filename = 'A.jpg';
number = 1;
[fPath, fName, fExt] = fileparts(filename);
newfilename = fullfile(fPath, sprintf('%s%d%s', fName, number, fExt));
Then use imwrite with the new file name.